Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft


Enthüllung: Austrian Centre Gedenktafel

Zur Erinnerung an die Eröffnung des Austrian Centre am 11. März 1939

Eröffnung: Dr. Martin Eichtinger, Österreichischer Botschafter in London
Sonja Frank, Initiatorin der Gedenktafel; u.a.

Im Austrian Centre war einst Sigmund Freud Ehrenpräsident und
Erich Fried als Young Austrian und Bibliothekar tätig.

The Austrian Centre London will receive a commemorative plaque at their former base, 124 Westbourne Terrace in Paddington. The Austrian Centre was the most important social, cultural and political hub for Austrian exiles from the Nazis.

Opened in 1939, its first President was Sigmund Freud. The Centre housed a library, restaurant, theatre, political cabaret, concert venue and functioned as a publisher, offered advisory services and served as a meeting place for thousands of refugees from Austria. This plaque recognizes the importance of this site and the role it played in the lives of so many Austrian refugees. Following the unveiling at Westbourne Terrace there will be a reception and concert at the ACF London.

Danach findet um 18h30 im Austrian Cultural Forum London ein Gedenkkonzert statt. >>> Mehr Infos